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电话: 021-57516158-8013
传真: 021-57514659
姓名: Anna Wu
Vmax International Group Co.,Ltd

  Vmax International Group (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. was registered in 2000,in Hong Kong, China. It mainly produces andsells three product groups: 1T-45T forklift, 1T-2.5T electric stackers andelectric pallet trucks, aerial work platform, container cranes and otherlogistics equipment; as well as 1T-5T wheel and skid steer loader products;40HP-100HP wheeled tractor series. Vmax International Group has threeindustrial base in mainland China: Vmax (Shanghai) Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd., for theGroup

主要产品/业务: It mainly produces andsells three product groups: 1T-45T forklift, 1T-2.5T electric stackers andelectric pallet trucks, aerial work platform, container cranes and otherlogistics equipment; as well as 1T-5T wheel and skid steer loader products;40

Vmax International Group Co.,Ltd / 上海 / NO 4324,Nanfeng Road,Shanghai (201414) / 电话:021-57516158-8013

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